With so many school options to choose from, shortlisting the right school for your child can be difficult and time consuming. We understand and that is why we have made an easy comparison chart to help you make the right choice for your children's education.
Please make arrangements to visit our school for a placement test on English and Maths for your child and consultations with our friendly team on our admission procedures. Kindly proceed to the next step by filling an application form and letting your child take an appropriate placement test.
After the placement test, Inspiros will confirm your child’s year placement taking into account your child's strengths and abilities. Our friendly team shall advise you further on school fees, school calendar, class timetable, dress codes, as well as answer any other queries that you may have.
We will issue a Letter of Offer to confirm admissions. Congratulations! Your child’s new and exciting education journey is about to begin. Please proceed to Registration.
Before your child begins school, you will receive key information in a student starter pack to welcome your child into the school.